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Shane Smith DDS Blog

What Happens During a Dental Implant Consultation?

January 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shane Smith @ 5:58 am
dentist explaining during dental implant consultation

Tooth loss affects more than just your appearance — it can also have an impact on your overall quality of life. But there’s good news! Dental implants are considered the gold standard for tooth replacement, offering a top-notch solution for a complete, healthy smile. Of course, your journey to a fully restored grin begins with a dental implant consultation in Jonesboro. Read on for a brief guide on what you can expect during this crucial first visit.


Don’t Delay! Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Receive a Dental Filling

December 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shane Smith @ 5:07 am
female patient preparing to receive a dental filling

You recently learned that you need a dental filling. You’re not experiencing any pain, so you decide that there’s no big rush in getting treatment, so you tell your dentist you want to hold off until the new year. There is a good chance your dentist will strongly discourage this train of thought, especially because of the risk you’re taking with your oral health. Before dismissing the notion of moving forward with treatment, learn why it’s best to go ahead with your dental filling before the end of the year.


Anchor Your Confidence with Dental Implant Dentures

November 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shane Smith @ 4:33 pm
An older woman smiling with her new dental implant dentures

If you’ve been having issues with your dentures sliding around or not working for you, there may be a solution. Dental implant dentures are the next step in the evolution of dental technology for replacement treatments. But how do they work, and is it an option you should explore?

If you want to learn more about dental implants and how they can anchor your dentures, continue reading. You may find that the answer to all of your denture issues is at hand!


Keep Your Dentures a Pretty Sight: Soak Them Overnight!

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shane Smith @ 12:09 am

Modern dentures look just like real teeth and are so comfortable that you’ll probably forget that they’re there. Unfortunately, this comfort can make it tempting to fall asleep without removing them. While dentures are incredibly comfortable, it is necessary to remove them for eight hours every day for the sake of your dental health. Here’s why it is so important to soak your dentures overnight.


My Toothache is Gone. Do I Still Need to See a Dentist?

October 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shane Smith @ 4:51 pm
woman with toothache

It’s not uncommon to call your dentist’s office to ask for help when pain radiates throughout your mouth. You want something to ease the discomfort quickly, which is why seeing a dental expert is the smartest thing to do. But what if your toothache is no longer causing you any pain? What if it suddenly disappears, and you feel somewhat “normal” again? Should you still go to the dentist? Learn why it’s worth your time to seek out professional help even when the pain is no longer an issue.


What Does an Emergency Dental Visit Involve?

October 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shane Smith @ 3:43 pm
woman visiting the emergency dentist

You’re out enjoying an evening walk with your family when you suddenly stumble and fall to the ground. Immediately, you feel a sharp pain and realize that you’ve cracked one of your teeth. Trying to stay calm, you call the dentist to find out how to handle this type of situation and when you can be seen for immediate treatment. A situation like this is not uncommon, and dentists prepare for sudden injuries like this all of the time. But what happens during an emergency dental visit? Keep reading to find out what you can expect before arriving for your appointment.


Root Canal Vs. Dental Implant: How to Choose the Best for Your Smile

September 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shane Smith @ 6:18 pm
Dentist smiling at patient while taking notes on clipboard

You can’t bear the pain any longer—your tooth has a deep cavity, and you need it treated right away! After examining you, your dentist presents two procedure options. You can either have root canal treatment and keep the tooth or have it extracted and replaced with a dental implant.

Before you make a rash, spur-of-the-moment decision, you should think about the pros and cons of each one. Do you really understand these treatments? Which one would be the best choice for your smile? Here is a comprehensive guide to help you select the right one for you!


I’ve Just Gotten My Teeth Extracted—When Can I Get My Dentures?

September 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shane Smith @ 9:37 am
denture sitting next to a clock

Dentures are sometimes used for patients who have been missing teeth for a long time, but it’s just as common for patients to need a tooth extraction before getting their dentures. Removing and replacing teeth is common in restorative dentistry, but patients who are in this situation are often presented with a problem: how soon after the tooth extraction can they get their prosthetic?

There are a couple of options available to you, and picking between them often comes down to personal preference. Here’s some information that can help you to make that evaluation.


What Foods Should You Avoid with Dentures?

September 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shane Smith @ 2:06 pm
Senior woman laughing while enjoying a meal

Modern dentures are made out of materials that give them a lifelike appearance. However, just because they look natural doesn’t mean they’re exactly the same as new teeth, particularly when it comes to meals. There are several kinds of foods that can cause trouble for denture-wearers. If you want to take care of your new smile, it’s important to be aware of the foods that you’ll need to stay away from.


3 Ways to Boost the Appearance of Your Smile Without Extensive Treatment

August 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shane Smith @ 9:49 pm
young woman with a healthy smile

It’s one thing to choose a more complex treatment when it comes to improving your oral and overall health; however, when it comes to addressing cosmetic flaws, you may prefer a less invasive option. With so many services to choose from, it can be hard to know which ones don’t require countless hours spent in a chair or trips driving back and forth to the dentist’s office. As you do your research to find a solution that aligns with your needs, here are 3 minimally invasive ways to improve your smile and save you time.

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