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Teeth Whitening – Jonesboro, AR

Say Goodbye to Surface Stains

Discoloration can happen for all sorts of different reasons, including tobacco use, poor dental hygiene, and consuming pigmented beverages. However, no one wants to be showing off a smile that is stained yellow. The good news is that there are options out there to help people say goodbye to surface stains and get the beautiful pearly whites that they have always dreamed of. Dr. Shane Smith offers teeth whitening in Jonesboro to help. To learn more or set up an appointment, just give us a call!

Why Choose Shane Smith, DDS for Teeth Whitening?

Who is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Man at dental office for teeth whitening in Jonesboro

Some types of tooth discoloration can be prevented, but others are out of your control. There are two different types of discoloration: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic stains occur on the surface of your teeth and are typically caused by foods, beverages, and tobacco products. This type of discoloration can typically be lifted with professional whitening. However, intrinsic stains are much more difficult to reduce and can be caused by certain medications. If you’re dealing with intrinsic discoloration, other options may need to be discussed.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Before and after of teeth whitening in Jonesboro

Dr. Smith offers two different types of teeth whitening. Here are your options:

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

If you want to lift discoloration on your own time in the comfort of your own home, take-home teeth whitening kits are available. First, Dr. Smith will take a look at your smile to ensure that you don’t have any preexisting oral health issues that need to be addressed ahead of time. Next, you will be given customized trays and a whitening gel that is more effective than anything you can find in stores. After about two weeks of wearing these trays for a set amount of time every day, you will see dramatic results!

In-Office Teeth Whitening

If you’re looking for a faster treatment, the ZOOM! in-office whitening treatment may be the option for you. Dr. Smith will use safe yet effective whitening products to brighten up your smile several shades in just one visit. After just an hour, you can walk out of the office with beautifully brighter teeth!

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

Woman brushing her teeth to maintain teeth whitening in Jonesboro

Teeth whitening looks great, and you want it to last as long as possible. Here are a few tips to help you keep it bright:

Understanding the Cost of Teeth Whitening

Model of tooth next to a calculator

Deciding to invest in cosmetic dentistry like teeth whitening is a big decision. Our team at Shane Smith, DDS wants you to be able to enjoy a smile that sparks confidence without having to worry about the long-term financial impact of making that happen. That’s why we offer additional flexible financing and make sure that our pricing and treatment processes are as transparent as possible. If at any point you have questions about the cost of teeth whitening in Jonesboro, don’t hesitate to call us directly.

Factors That Impact the Cost of Teeth Whitening

Dentist showing patient smile in a handheld mirror

There are multiple factors that can impact the cost of your treatment, including:

  • The Severity of Discoloration: For patients that choose either take-home or in-office teeth whitening, the severity of your staining may require you to undergo multiple treatments to get the final results you want.
  • Any Preparatory Treatments Needed: We recommend coming in for your checkup and cleaning before getting teeth whitening to achieve both optimal oral health and results. If any signs of cavities or other common issues are spotted, we’ll also suggest having them treated before undergoing any cosmetic service.
  • Whether You Have Existing Restorations: If you have existing restorations, like veneers or dental crowns, these won’t brighten alongside your natural teeth, as they’re made from non-porous materials. Because of this, you may need to have them replaced beforehand to match the final shade you want your teeth to be at.

Different Types of Teeth Whitening & Their Costs

Female patient smiling after a teeth whitening treatment

  • In-Office Whitening: In-office teeth whitening can cost between $400 and $800.
  • Take-Home Whitening Kits: Professional take-home whitening kits are customized to fit your needs and can cost up to several hundred dollars.
  • Store-Bought Trays: Storebought trays can be found at most department stores and pharmacies for less than $100.
  • Strips, Gels, & Whitening Toothpastes: Depending on where you shop and the products you’re purchasing, low-cost whitening methods can range from $7 to $40.

Weighing Cost vs. Effectiveness

Close-up of smile before and after teeth whitening

While you may be tempted to simply invest in the teeth whitening option with the lowest price tag, it’s important to take into consideration the results you want to achieve. Store-bought items often make big promises on their packaging that they can’t deliver on, leaving many consumers underwhelmed and upset that they wasted their money.

Although professional-grade treatments offered by your cosmetic dentist in Jonesboro may have a higher price tag, they offer virtually guaranteed results using clinically-proven ingredients. Plus, depending on whether you want to have a smile up to eight shades brighter in a single hour-long visit or two weeks, you’ll be able to choose an option that best fulfills your needs.

Options for Making Teeth Whitening More Affordable

Woman sitting at her computer and smiling

At Shane Smith, DDS, we offer additional financing through CareCredit and Proceed Finance to help patients easily pay for the treatments they need and want. These resources allow you to split the overall cost of your procedure into smaller monthly payments, so you won’t break your monthly budget. If you have questions or need assistance applying for financing, our team is happy to help!

Teeth Whitening FAQs

Teeth whitening in Jonesboro is a great way to revitalize your smile, but it’s normal to have a few concerns. Don’t let unfounded rumors and myths stop you from investing in a brighter smile. Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions to feel confident about the road ahead.

Does teeth whitening hurt?

No one wants to experience pain while in the dental chair, but there’s nothing to fear with teeth whitening. Modern whitening systems contain specially formulated solutions to penetrate the enamel through a comfortable process. If you’re prone to sensitivity, your cosmetic dentist in Jonesboro can customize the whitening treatment to prevent discomfort. If any sensitivity occurs, avoid hot or cold foods and drinks for a couple of days until the pain subsides. You can also use a desensitizing toothpaste to block pain signals.

How can I make my results last?

Your new smile can stay bright and beautiful for several months to years depending on your aftercare routine. The most effective way to maintain your results is through your oral hygiene routine. It’s best to brush your teeth at least twice daily, floss nightly, and use an antimicrobial mouthrinse. Don’t forget to visit your dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and checkup. You’ll want to be proactive to prevent new stains from occurring by limiting your smile’s exposure to darkly pigmented foods and drinks. If you can’t skip your morning cup of coffee, drink it through a straw to limit its contact with your teeth. If you have any stain-causing foods or drinks, rinse your mouth with water to remove any lingering residue from your teeth. Your cosmetic dentist also recommends breaking poor dental habits to keep your pearly whites bright, like smoking.

Am I a candidate for teeth whitening?

If you’re ready to stop feeling embarrassed by dark, stained teeth, you might be a candidate for a whitening treatment. You’ll require an initial consultation to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy, while your cosmetic dentist learns more about your goals. After finding the cause of your discoloration, they’ll determine if teeth whitening will meet your needs. If you have any untreated dental issues, like cavities or gum disease, they’ll need to be treated before using a whitening system.

Is teeth whitening permanent?

Unfortunately, teeth whitening isn’t permanent. Several factors influence the duration of your results, like how well you maintain your oral hygiene at home and if you attend regular cleanings and checkups. If you notice your smile starting to fade, ask your cosmetic dentist about a touch-up kit.

How long does a whitening treatment take?

You can get your smile up to 8 shades whiter with an in-office treatment. In about 1 hour, your teeth will be significantly whiter. If you prefer an at-home kit, you’ll reach the same results over the course of a couple of weeks. As each day passes, you’ll notice your teeth gradually getting lighter. No matter the method you choose, you can achieve the improvement you want quickly.