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SureSmile – Jonesboro, AR

Choose the Clear Choice for Braces

Have you always wanted a straight smile but missed your chance for braces as a teen? Maybe you had braces as a child, but your teeth have moved over the years? No matter the reason, you are never too old to invest in a better smile. If you’re concerned about the appearance of brackets and wires, we have the discreet solution you need with SureSmile in Jonesboro. You can achieve the smile you deserve using a nearly invisible method.

How SureSmile Works

Dentist holding clear aligner and dental mold

Traditional braces have been used for generations to treat the most complex bite and alignment issues. A system of brackets and wires pulls the teeth into their proper positions. Although this method is effective, no one wants to deal with the appearance of metal braces. You don’t have to with SureSmile.

A series of clear aligners are worn over your teeth, applying continual pressure to move them gradually. Although you can see the aligners when holding them in your hand, they will be almost impossible to detect while in your mouth.

You must commit to wearing them for at least 22 hours per day and switch to the next aligner on time, about every 1-2 weeks. While every case differs, you can reach the results you want about 40% quicker with SureSmile than metal braces.

Indications for SureSmile

Dentist giving clear aligner consultation

SureSmile is a popular choice among teens and adults who don’t want to compromise their smile while correcting their alignment concerns. Clear aligners are effective in treating a variety of bite and alignment issues, such as:

Crowded Teeth

Correcting overlapping teeth makes brushing and flossing more effective to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Gaps Between Teeth

Clear aligners are a quick solution to close gaps, like those between the front teeth.

Bite Alignment

An unbalanced bite can lead to dental issues, eating problems, and facial pain. SureSmile can fix several bite concerns for a healthy, functional smile.

You’ll require a consultation with your dentist in Jonesboro to ensure clear aligners are the best choice for you. Your dentist will examine your smile to create the personalized strategy you need to improve your bite and alignment.

The Benefits of SureSmile

Woman with attractive smile

More adults than ever are investing in orthodontics thanks to a variety of treatment options, like SureSmile. Clear aligners offer many advantages not possible with traditional braces, including:

How Much Does SureSmile Cost?

Man counting money

Every situation differs, so there isn’t a flat cost for SureSmile. Various factors will affect your final cost, such as the complexity of your case and how often you meet your 20-22 hour a day wear time. During your consultation, we’ll provide you with an estimate based on your proposed treatment plan. We will review all the fees associated with your treatment as well as your payment options, like your dental insurance coverage and financing options. A member of our team will find the solutions you need to invest in your smile without breaking the bank. Read on to learn more about the cost of SureSmile in Jonesboro.

Factors that Affect the Cost of SureSmile

Patient and dentist discussing the cost of SureSmile in Jonesboro

While there are many unique variables that will play a role in the cost of your treatment, these are the three largest factors for the price of SureSmile:

  • Your oral health & age: If you have cavities or gum disease, you’ll need to pay to have them treated before beginning your SureSmile treatment. Additionally, SureSmile will likely cost more as an adult than as a teenager, since the teeth are already set firmly in place as an adult.
  • The severity of your case: As you might suspect, the more severe your orthodontic issues, the more expensive it will be to treat them. The longer the treatment plan, the more aligners are needed, and the higher the cost.
  • How well you stick to your treatment plan: SureSmile removable aligners give you freedom and responsibilities. It’s up to you to routinely meet your 20-22 hour a day wear time. If you don’t wear them often enough, or if you frequently lose or break them, then the length and cost of your treatment will likely be increased.

SureSmile VS Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

Closeup of SureSmile in Jonesboro on colorful background

Smile Direct Club™ is a brand of mail-in aligners. This product claims to offer the same great results as a professional aligner treatment without needing to set foot in a dentist’s office. Unfortunately, like many things that sound too good to be true, there are many drawbacks to consider. In fact, professional organizations like the American Association of Orthodontists have filed dozens of complaints against Smile Direct Club™ for how dangerous their treatments can be.

Without the direct oversight of a trained orthodontists, many people who chose Smile Direct Club™ ended up with results that were worse than when they started! When you invest in a SureSmile treatment from our office, you’re also paying for the peace of mind that comes with putting your smile in good, experienced hands.

Options for Making SureSmile Affordable

Piggy bank atop model teeth representing cost of SureSmile in Jonesboro

Dental insurance coverage for clear aligners can vary dramatically from policy to policy, so you’ll need to check the details of your plan to fully understand your coverage. Our knowledgeable team will also be happy to help you review your coverage and make sure your benefits are being maximized. Additionally, our office has partnered with CareCredit and Proceed Finance. These third-party companies offer numerous low- to no-interest payment plans that qualifying patients can choose from. This way, you can break up the cost of your SureSmile treatment into smaller, more manageable monthly payments that fit into your budget.

SureSmile FAQs

Smiling woman about to put in a SureSmile aligner

Are you considering getting SureSmile instead of traditional braces? With this treatment, you will be able to enjoy a unique and discreet procedure with many benefits. For this reason, it’s understandable to have some concerns before beginning the process toward a perfectly straight smile. We have collected and answered several of the most common questions our patients have asked about SureSmile in Jonesboro below. Even if you don’t see the specific answer you’re looking for, you can always call our dental office to speak with a team member today! 

How Long Do I Need to Wear My Aligners for Every Day?

One of the most important aspects of the SureSmile treatment is the required 20–22-hour wear time. This leaves very little room to have them off. If you do remove your clear aligners, it will be to eat your usual three meals a day or to clean your trays and teeth before wearing them again. Having them on constantly is a crucial part of the procedure, as this is the period where your teeth will shift into a straighter position. The less you wear them, the longer your treatment can become.

Does It Hurt to Wear SureSmile Aligners?

While you may feel mild pressure or sensitivity when wearing your first clear trays, SureSmile is much more comfortable than metal braces. This is due to the lack of any metal arch wires or brackets that can be potentially sharp. You may also feel slightly sore whenever you switch to a new set of aligners, but this is normal. Any minor discomfort will typically be short-lived, and you can always use a cold compress or OTC pain relievers to manage it.

What Can I Eat During My SureSmile Treatment?

Since you’ll be able to remove your trays during your SureSmile treatment, this means you won’t have to abide by any strict food limitations! You can enjoy virtually all of your favorite foods, as long as you remove your clear aligners ahead of eating. After you’ve finished your meal, be sure to brush and rinse both your teeth and trays before putting them back on. This is to remove and prevent food particles from creating stains on your aligners or increasing your risk of cavities. You might also consider soaking your SureSmile trays during your meal, that way you eat and clean at the same time!

Can I Get SureSmile If I Had Metal Braces Before?

Traditional metal braces are a viable and effective way to achieve a beautifully straight smile. However, forgetting to wear your retainers after the process can cause their results to degrade over time. But even if you had metal braces in the past and you want your teeth straightened again, SureSmile can still be an option for you. Your dentist in Jonesboro will thoroughly examine your teeth, bite, and jaw to determine if SureSmile is the best option for you.

If you have any other questions about SureSmile in Jonesboro, feel free to call our team today! We’ll be more than happy to discuss your treatment options.