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Anchor Your Confidence with Dental Implant Dentures

November 29, 2023

Posted By: Shane Smith @ 4:33 pm
An older woman smiling with her new dental implant dentures

If you’ve been having issues with your dentures sliding around or not working for you, there may be a solution. Dental implant dentures are the next step in the evolution of dental technology for replacement treatments. But how do they work, and is it an option you should explore?

If you want to learn more about dental implants and how they can anchor your dentures, continue reading. You may find that the answer to all of your denture issues is at hand!

What are Dental Implant Dentures?

It’s all in the name! Dental implant dentures are dentures that are anchored by a series of dental implants. These small titanium rods are surgically planted into your jawbone where they eventually heal and fuse. Then, a set of custom dentures is attached to the implanted anchor points.

What Advantages do Dental Implant Dentures Offer?

So what can you expect from dental implants over traditional dentures? Here are some of the great benefits this treatment can offer if you’re struggling with traditional dentures:

Denture Stability

One of the most obvious and significant advantages of attaching dentures to dental implants is stability. Traditional dentures can sometimes slip or shift, causing discomfort and possibly embarrassment. With dental implants, the fear of loose dentures becomes a thing of the past.

Easier Maintenance

With traditional dentures, you have to remove them every night and perform added steps to keep them clean. This can be tedious, and there’s always a chance that you could drop your dentures while cleaning them and they break. Dental implant dentures can be cared for like regular teeth.

Preserved Jawbone Health

The most important advantage of dental implants is also the least obvious. When you lose teeth, your jawbone begins to deteriorate. This loss of bone density can lead to more tooth loss and loss of facial structure, altering your appearance. Dental implants preserve your bone density by stimulating the bone as you chew.

So, dental implant dentures are a great solution that fixes the limitations of traditional dentures. They offer patients a treatment that significantly improves their quality of life. If you’re considering denture options, talk to your dentist about implant dentures. They could be the answer to all your denture woes.

About the Author

Dr. Shane Smith loves his job and is excited to work with the excellent team at his office. His favorite part of his job is helping his patients and getting to know them as their treatment progresses. Dr. Smith earned his dental doctorate at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Ever since then, he has kept up with the latest dental trends through continuing education. To schedule a denture consultation at Shane Smith DDS, call (870) 932-2644 or visit the website to explore other services.